The Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut is an association of fundraising and allied professionals who work with individuals to assist in meeting their charitable goals. Our members represent all levels of experience and share an interest in charitable gift planning.  Since its founding in 1990, the Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut (CGPCT) has provided gift planning education, training, and advocacy to development professionals, professional advisors, trust officers, insurance professionals, volunteers, and other related donor advisors.
The Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut (CGPCT) provides ethically-focused gift planning education, training and advocacy to development professionals, professional advisors, volunteers and donor advisors.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 26 Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut Presents Program - Using Data to Work Smarter, Forecast, and Celebrate PLUS Proposals That Stand Out: Adding Financial Illustrations to Blended Gift Requests

Thursday, November 14 Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut Presents Membership Program - TBA morning topic PLUS Real Estate Charitable Giving

Thursday, December 12 Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut Presents Membership Program - The Long Tail of the 50th Reunion + Annual Meeting + Award

Search for all upcoming and past event details in our Event Calendar

When We Meet
Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut (CGPCT) meets throughout the year providing educational programming of value to our members.  Our programs from September to May. 
Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut (CGPCT) is an affiliate of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP) 


Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut provides a forum for education of and networking for development professionals and members of allied professions who are involved in charitable gift planning. We believe that a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut will better serve our entire gift planning community. To that end, we commit ourselves to proactively seeking and welcoming members, leaders, and presenters representing the many unique attributes, characteristics, abilities, and perspectives of all individuals and, led by the Board, each year will identify and take specific action steps to meet this objective. For more information on the DE&I Committee, click here.

Thank you sponsors!




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