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Hosted by  Charitable Gift Planners of Connecticut

Webinar - Donor Stories in Marketing—To Use or Not to Use?

In response to the current situation with coronvirus, PGGCT will continue to provide our members with quality educational offerings as online webinars. Once you are registered, you will receive a direct an email from gotowebinar with call in and log in information. As we get closer to the event, we will also send you tips and instructions about the webinar rules. Stay home, stay safe.   

1 CFRE CE is approved.  

Thursday, March 11, 2021
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time


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Claudine Donikian, JD, MBA
President/CEO and Chief Marketing Officer
Pentera, Inc.

Mar 11 2021 1:00PM

Donor Stories in Marketing—To Use or Not to Use?

The planned giving industry assumes that donor stories are an effective way to inspire other donors and to increase engagement, including response, in marketing materials. There has been no formal, large-scale research study conducted on planned giving marketing materials to support or counter those assumptions—until now. The Pentera research study to be presented analyzes two key metrics: the click-through rate and the response rate in tens of thousands of e-newsletters that went to millions of prospective donors over several years. The study includes one surprising key finding: certain types of donor stories can actually decrease response rates. Based on the findings of the study, we will recommend when to use donor stories in marketing materials and when not to, as well as what types avoid. Attendees will receive guidelines for writing effective donor stories and using donor blurbs to get the best response rates possible.


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DateCourse Title/DescriptionStartCFRE
Mar 11, 2021 Donor Stories in Marketing—To Use or Not to Use? Claudine Donikian, JD, MBA 1:00 P info

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